How do I pay with aloCASH account credit?
How much aloCASH do I have?
You can check your aloCASH balance anytime by logging into your aloSIM account and selecting "My eSIMs." The little box in the top-right corner will show you how much aloCASH (account credit) you have.How do I spend my aloCASH?
1. Open your aloSIM app and tap "Store" (or shop our web store)
2. Choose an eSIM data package to purchase
3. Select the "Buy" button
4. Now it's time to choose a payment method
If you have enough aloCASH to cover the full purchase amount, select "aloCASH" and confirm your purchase.
If you don't have enough aloCASH to cover the full purchase amount, you'll need to select a different payment method first (and you can deduct your aloCASH in a minute).